IL GENIO"Quando ero piccolo sapevo dipingere come Raffaello, mi ci è voluta però una vita intera per imparare a disegnare come un bambino" (Pablo Picasso)Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y PicassoOvviamente quando scrivo di un Genio parlo del padre, con un nome cosí dato al figlio! A parte gli scherzi qui si parla di … [Leggi di più...] infoLA VIA DEI MIRACOLI (Pablo Picasso)
IF I WERE UNEMPLOYED – Michael Hall (Neuro-Semantics)
Lots of people are unemployed. Statistics for most of this year (2010) has put employment in the United States at about 10 percent. That’s millions and millions of people. And if we include those who have given up looking, there are millions more which probably makes the actual unemployment rate closer to 14% or more. And in Spain and other places, unemployment statistics are even much … [Leggi di più...] infoIF I WERE UNEMPLOYED – Michael Hall (Neuro-Semantics)
MYTHS ABOUT SELF-ACTUALIZATION – Michael Hall (Neuro-Semantics)
Several readers of Neurons have recently informed me that “Self-actualization is going around the NLP community, and I think they are stealing your stuff!” And I always say that while I could wish that they would give credit, I’m pleased to hear that and that I’m honored that they steal from my books on Self-Actualization (Unleashed, 2007, Self-Actualization Psychology, 2008, and Unleashing … [Leggi di più...] infoMYTHS ABOUT SELF-ACTUALIZATION – Michael Hall (Neuro-Semantics)
L’organizzazione guidata dalle decisioni
Lasciate perdere gli organigrammi: il segreto per una riorganizzazione efficace è concentrarsi sulle decisioni, non sulle strutture.I CEO sono affascinati dalle riorganizzazioni, perchè credono che apportare grandi cambiamenti strutturali condurrà a una migliore performance. Tuttavia, secondo una recente ricerca su 57 riorganizzazioni, la maggior parte di esse non sortisce effetto, anzi talvolta … [Leggi di più...] infoL’organizzazione guidata dalle decisioni
MODELING INTUITIONS – Michael Hall (Neuro-Semantics)
Like any good nominalization, intuition, is vague, fluffy, and muddled even meta-muddled. It means and can mean so many things. And because of that it can mean just about anything. So, what does it really mean? Well, that’s the whole point. It means whatever the speaker intends for it to mean. And, of course, sometimes we learn to use a word when we don’t know … [Leggi di più...] infoMODELING INTUITIONS – Michael Hall (Neuro-Semantics)
Letting go of limiting beliefs
Do your beliefs about your abilities hold you back from achieving your full potential? Unconscious filters could be preventing you or your business from growing. Read on to find out more about letting go of limiting beliefs.All information that comes into your mind is filtered down in a number of different ways. The ‘neuro-’ in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), is all about our neurology, which … [Leggi di più...] infoLetting go of limiting beliefs
I want you for Feedback, Feedback, Feedback…
The trouble here is inconsistency. Ever been asked "Would you like some Feedback?"...and felt a sense of trepidation; a sense of being uncomfortable because criticism was just round the corner?It need not be like that and you, as boss, leader, manager, supervisor, whatever, can make it different."There is no failure; there is only feedback" Richard BandlerIt depends on how you see it. Some people … [Leggi di più...] infoI want you for Feedback, Feedback, Feedback…